Basic Belt Set: $14.00 each Qty: ____
Power Feed Belt: $7.00 each Qty: ____
Spindle Bearing Set: $00.00 set Qty: ____
Unimat 3 Manual (reprint): $32.00 each Qty: ____
Chuck key to fit Unimat 3 chuck $8.00 each Qty: ____
Shipping and Handling
Domestic postage (USA only)
FLAT RATE S/H: $8.00 for order

International postage (Outside of USA)
Please E-mail me with items needed and Country of destination. I will reply with S/H cost. This will help me to keep Postage rates for International orders reasonable.
Please indicate quantity and send payment to:
Doug Feistamel
P O Box 6316
Villa Park, IL 60181-5317
US $ ONLY. I accept personal checks (US BANKS ONLY), money orders (US & INTERNATIONAL) and PayPal. When payment is received I will ship USPS mail.
If you are registered with PayPal service you can pay with
Visa or Master Card just direct your payment to my account using my email name.
PayPal, link:
( indicate items and qty. in message box, I will reply and ship within 3 days ).
IMPORTANT: Please print and fill out this email form and send with payment:
Include email address for reply: _______________________________
Your Name:___________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________